So my mom informed me yesterday afternoon that she and dad forgot my birthday. This is a fact I have been well aware of for almost two months since my birthday was on June 25th.
Well, half birthday that is. My real birthday is on Christmas and ever since I was little my mom always made a point of celebrating my half birthday since Christmas was always so busy with family stuff - a gesture much appreciated since it ensured I wouldn't receive any combination (Christmas/Birthday) gifts.
As I've gotten older my half birthday has been less celebrated than in years past. Which I'm fine with since I hate the birthday song almost as much as I like cake. (Almost! They don't quite cancel each other out.) It went from rainbow/50s/slumber party blowouts in my pre-teens to dinner with a small group of close friends over the last decade or so. I remember my grandfather calling me one year and asking, "are we still doing the half birthday thing?" I told him no since I preferred getting a big check once a year over two smaller checks twice a year. He appreciated the opportunity to save a stamp. You're welcome grandpa! I think my parents are the only ones who still consistently celebrate my half birthday...that is until this year.
I can't really be upset with them over this grievance though for a number of reasons:
a) I am TERRIBLE about remembering birthdays. If I forgot yours, I'm sorry. I probably wrote it down but neglected to look at my calendar for over a week (which I often do) and was so embarassed that I didn't say anything the day of that I figured it was better if I didn't say anything at all. If you had a party that involved cake, it would increase the likelihood of my remembering ten fold.
b) We are usually so busy in the summer that the celebration of my half birthday gets put off a month or two anyway.
c) I usually have such a hard time deciding what I want to do for my birthday that it gets put off an additional month or two. If I wait until after Labor Day to decide, my mom gets upset with me and threatens to not celebrate it on purpose.
d) My parents celebrate my birthday twice a year.
I'm always so surprised they insist on doing so. I'm sure there's been several years I didn't deserve it. But I appreciate that they go the distance to make sure that I have a day that celebrates me alone and not all that Christmas Day encompasses. When you have a birthday showdown with the Messiah, you rarely, strike that, never come out on top.
Besides, who am I to turn down cake in my honor twice a year? Quarter birthdays anyone? Takers? Bueller?
2 months ago