What a crazy couple months it's been. I've heard it said that life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. I'm always busy. I'm not sure I was making "other" plans. But life definitely happened. And I'm ready for things to calm down a bit.
Here's a quick recap for those that are interested:
Jason's accident. Followed by grief and sadness and month of ridiculous stress.
Beginning of great relationship. Enter hope and butterflies.
Managed to have a Christmas without the Nutcracker. Hooray!
Barely mangaed to celebrate in the midst of funerals and memorial services.
Decent New Year's. Decent = good in my book. Not a fan of New Year's.
Month of awkwardness at work.
Hate mail. Many nights of tears.
Recognition and praise at work.
Enter friend from the past. Now one of my very favorite people.
Salary cut and more co-workers pink slipped.
Beginning of craziest time of year at work.
Completion of catalog. Gold star!
Beginning of serious Showcase planning. Enter fear of recurrence of stress condition.
End of relationship. Yet another person not speaking to me.
Sleepless nights due to both extreme stress and sadness.
Friend in auto accident. Enter panic and crazy nightmares.
Dad gets a pink slip after 15 years.
Successful Showcase. Enter relief at work.
Now in desparate need of vacation. Scared to take one in case I find myself without a job.
It's been quite a rollercoaster over the last few months. And I'm ready to exit the vehicle. Generally I love to be in constant motion and hate not having anything to do, but I'd be quite happy to be bored for a little while.
2 months ago
Hang in there, Ginger! I just had a similar experience but less and over a much shorter time period; I had a rollercoaster two days. Even though I didn't enjoy the sensation of hanging on for dear life as it dragged me up and down, it overall was still amazing. I got to see God move in all the chaos and knock down all the obstacles. I'm still in shock, and scared when I think about all the details ahead, but when I look at the bigger picture, it is so clear that He is in control of my life and taking care of me. I pray that God soon may bring that same peace into your rollercoaster life: peace that's past understanding, a peace beyond all doubt.
So has the rollercoaster ended yet? I hope you're doing well, friend!
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