I don't do these often but the mood was right so here you go.
1. I've been in two beauty pageants. One actually was a scholarship competition. I didn't feel beautiful enough to be in either of them.
2. I met my very best friend in Kindergarten. I miss her every day.
3. I fell in love with dance at the age of four. It has been the most difficult relationship I have ever been in.
4. I tell people that I didn't actually have an eating disorder but I think I did.
5. I have a scar on my stomach that saved my life. I'm scared my future husband will think it's gross.
6. I can't remember the last day I didn't eat chocolate.
7. When I see elderly men in the grocery store, I always want to talk to them or ask them if I can help them. I never have.
8. I hate drinking anything with calories in it.
9. I eat Skittles and M&Ms in specific color combinations.
10. I secretly dream of being a fantastic drummer.
11. Most days I think I fit in better in Boston.
12. I will always regret not getting to attend my fourth year of college.
13. On my first birthday I threw up on my cake.
14. I'm almost never honest with people when I'm mad at them. I'm too afraid to hurt their feelings.
15. I've been a Christian my whole life. God is still one of the most mysterious things I have ever encountered. I hate not knowing the whys. Although I hope everyone experiences that kind of love at least once in their life.
16. I refused to eat breakfast until about high school.
17. My dad was injured and unemployed for two years when I was in Junior High. It was the greatest thing he ever did for me.
18. I work very hard but I don't always know what I'm working toward.
19. I've always wished that I had lived with my sisters when we were growing up. I would cry if they missed one of their weekends with us.
20. Fall is my very favorite time of year.
21. My roommate from college is one of my very favorite people in the whole world. Judging by my freshman year, I would've never guessed we would be friends. When I realized that she knew the choreography to Newsies, I knew I couldn't live without her.
22. I still sleep with a stuffed animal.
23. I usually go to a store at least three times before I buy something.
24. I want to be a writer someday. I'm afraid that I won't have anything important to say should the opportunity present itself.
25. I love my job even though it is overwhelming for me right now. I hope it is merely one of many careers I get to experience in my lifetime. I hope one of them is to own a candy store, bakery or ice cream parlor.
2 months ago
If you ever find yourself in SLO, you'll have to stop by Powell's Sweet Shop. It is packed full of all kinds of candy, kind of a sensory overload. Best of all, they play Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory nonstop, complete with a row of theater seats.
This is the best list I have read so far. You already are a writer!
I love this . . . I am a friend of Lynne's. :)
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